Endler Guppies

Endler Guppies, also known as Endlers or Endler's Livebearers, are a popular and colourful species of freshwater aquarium fish that are closely related to the classic Guppy. They come in a range of colours and patterns, and are a great choice for aquarium hobbyists of all levels.

One of the defining features of Endler Guppies is their vibrant colours and patterns. They come in a range of colours, including red, blue, green, and yellow, as well as a variety of patterns, such as spots and stripes. They are also relatively small, growing to only about 3 centimeters in length, making them a great choice for smaller aquariums.

Endler Guppies are hardy and adaptable fish that can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. They prefer slightly alkaline water with a pH between 7.0 and 8.0, and need a well-filtered aquarium with plenty of hiding places and vegetation. They are also relatively easy to feed, and can be given a variety of foods, including flake, pellet, and frozen foods.

In addition to their vibrant colours and patterns, Endler Guppies are also known for their peaceful and social behavior. They do well in groups and enjoy swimming and exploring their surroundings. They are also compatible with a wide range of other peaceful community fish.

Overall, Endler Guppies are a great choice for anyone looking for a colorful and peaceful addition to their freshwater aquarium. With their vibrant colours and social behavior, they are sure to add some interest and beauty to your aquarium. Shop now and start building your school of Endler Guppies today!

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